Auction: Signed worn Feyenoord football shirt by Simon Tahamata

Make a bid on an unique signed worn Feyenoord football shirt by Simon Tahamata. With proof photo of Simon Tahamata. Bid via whats app, see below. Purpose of the proceeds: Yayasan Tifa Melanesia Babunyi (TMB Foundation) is an initiative of magazine and entertainment platform TIFA Magazine. The last project in the Moluccas to restart schools […]

Moluccans Elst show results of earthquake fundraising

In 2019, an earthquake occurred in the Moluccas. The Moluccan community in Elst took actions to raise money for the villages that were affected. On Wednesday, March 22, 2023 a documentary was shown in Theater de Kik showing how the money was spent on the islands, with a word of thanks to the donors and […]

Tifa Meets MSG Secretariat in Ambon

During our stay in Ambon in december 2022 we have also meet the MSG (Melanesian Spearhead Group) Secretariat from PNG (Papua New Guinea) and the Solomon Islands, the administrative headoffice of the MSG is based in Port Vila, Vanuatu.